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Pat Duggins
Pat Duggins
Senior News Analyst


SEE YOU IN BOSTON—A pre-traveler’s tale


April 8, 2008—Well, I’m packing my bags for a weekend trip to Boston, and a talk at Harvard about my book “Final Countdown: NASA and the End of the Space Shuttle Program”. It’ll be a welcome visit to a city I haven’t seen in a decade.


Many cities talk about having history in their backyard. The last time I went to Boston, I was amazed that just outside my hotel was the Old Granary Burial Ground. It features the final resting places of three signers of the Declaration of Independence, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and victims of the Boston massacre. Now, that’s history.


As far as the speaking engagement is concerned—it’s a fundraiser for the Mount Washington Observatory. The folks at Harvard arranged for the event at the Harvard Museum of Natural History. It’s always interesting that on previous treks, including the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum (pictured at the left) as well as Southern Independent Booksellers’ Alliance conference in Atlanta, and the Kennedy Space Center’s Visitors Center, I seem to run into residents of Central Florida with my brand of wanderlust. I’ll let you know how Boston turns out once I’m back. Just in case you, or someone who know, are in the area, here's the link to the event...


More to come…


Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution